May 25, 2023
Ellis with her cycling teammates (Ellis third from left) CentreStage choir member goes for gold in Berlin! Ellis Wilson, heads to the Special Olympics in Berlin on 11th June Here at CentreStage we are proud of all the achievements of our participants and when someone as talented as Ellis Wilson lets us know she is heading to the Special Olympics in Berlin to compete we couldn't not shout about her achievements. Ellis is a much loved and 'well kent' face around CentreStage taking part in our Gospel Choir, Oor Wee Choir and our Creativity Cafe every week, regularly taking to the stage during our shows and events and showcasing her wonderful art that she creates. It also turns out that the arts are not where her talents stop, Ellis has been involved in the Special Olympics GB squad since she was a youngster where she competed in horse riding. However, this time she is switching her horse for the bike as she heads to Berlin for this summer's games to compete in cycling. Here is Ellis' athlete's profile: