Founded in 2006, CentreStage, operates with an ethos that anyone, regardless of age, background or experience can gain life changing social benefits through active participation in the arts - Find out more about how we do this
In 2024, everything at CentreStage remains built on that original ethos and supports delivery of our organisational vision and values.
Our vision is for a society where everyone can realise their potential and achieve their hopes and aspirations, regardless of their circumstances and background and our values of Hope, Joy, Inclusion and Aspiration, underpin all that we do. We create places where everyone is welcome, where everyone has their own story and everyone has the potential to grow.
Read our full strategy and learn more about how we're putting our vision and values into action by clicking here.
You can donate to our charity to help us bring our vision to life.
From performing arts to creative, social and recreational groups for all, there is something for everyone at CentreStage.
The Arts are at the heart of CentreStage. Productions from musical theatre, drama and live music to dance and comedy are staged year-round in our venue. Our Auditorium and various rooms/spaces are
available to hire for external events.
If you would like to find out more about what we do or are interested in getting involved, please email, or call us on 01563 551505
It’s the place and the people. Our CentreStage journey so far…